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New Year, New News and a New Concert!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you lovely people!

We hope that you're still capable of movement after extreme festive deliciousness and that you managed to fit in hours of carolling your hearts out over Christmas.

Sorry that this post has been so long in coming, the Christmas period is a notoriously busy one for us singing types and it has simply been choc-(literally)-a-bloc all the way through since our Christmas Concert (Star of Gold). The choir all deserve immense praise for pulling a wonderful concert out of the...stocking (sorry, one of those days it would appear). You can read one of the wonderful reviews by visiting our Concerts page and clicking the appropriate link, or you can just stick to the best bits of both the reviews which feature on the Star of Gold page itself.

Not only was the choir involved in a musical extravangza of its own (Tom's own) devising but they also sang in a joint concert with our lovely chums DUOS (Durham University Orchestral Society) in the Castle Great Hall in an Albert Hall-esque feast of Christmas cheer (think Sleigh Ride (not the 3 Tenors version), Mariah Carey feat. James MacTavish and another rendition of Danny P's lovely Silent Night). The concert was a great success, sold out a week before and attended by the University Chancellor: internationally reknowned baritone Sir Thomas Allen, it was a memorable occasion for all involved. You can find a review of "Durham Actually" on the Concerts page as well. Here's a picture of the choir looking dandy in their festive jumpers before the second half...

And one of Crispin looking mighty fine...

Now onto the newest of all the news.

We are very pleased to officially announce that our concert this coming term will be on 5th March in Durham Cathedral Chapter House. The choir will be performing Sergei Rachmaninoff's All-Night Vigil more commonly referred to as Vespers. Read more about it here.

We hope you all had wonderful Christmasses surrounded by your friends and family and that 2016 brings you joys, old and new.

Lots of love, as ever,

DUChCh Exec xxx 05.01.2016

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